Measure the loyalty of your customers with a simple universal question. NPS is the favorite CX metric among companies worldwide. Approximately it is used by two thirds of the total companies that seek to define their position.
Measure the loyalty of your customers in real time
EmotioCX facilitates the collection of perceptions that people have about your services. We facilitate the visualization and understanding of the insights of your customers.
We understand that business intelligence is closely intertwined with that of the client. We help you segment, measure and understand the type of loyalty you inspire your clients.
Do you know where you are when compared to the global industry?
We help you understand if your position is advantageous in your market and we give you keys to improve your NPS results and thereby strengthen loyalty relationships.
Loyalty measurement in simple: scan and evaluate
NPS is part of a simplified CX program that measures the experiences of your clients in 2 phases: Interaction with touchpoint and affective perception.